Monday, November 24, 2008

Pot, dirt, water, love

An observance of my little ivy plant in the new South window. It yearns to be seen as I brush right by it day after day. It's only after it begins to look wilted that I have the thought to pay attention and actually water it!

As with my cat, Siam. He sits across the room with his tail neatly tucked around his front paws and looks at me as if he's waiting for me to do something. Is it just to be noticed? Or is it he just wants to be loved?

I challenge you to notice something small that may be crying out to get your attention today. It may be a child or it may simply be an old, abandoned car. Or maybe more. Your lover, wife or husband. Have you actually SEEN them today?

Pot, dirt, water, but most of all, LOVE.

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