Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Good Day

I had one of the most powerful experiences this week as I watched a video on gratefulness:
"A Good Day" With Brother David Steindl-Rast (click to play U-Tube video)

Beautiful photos and a wonderful message from a Benedictine Monk. As I watched this 5-minute clip, the words of the monk coupled with the awe-inspiring images instilled a great sense of peace and wonder. It reminded me of what really matters and how I truly want to live my life today..

I asked my friend this morning what she wanted. What did she need? What would truly make her happy? I could feel the the sincerity coming from her glowing face as she placed a huge heartfelt wish out into the universe. She said she just wanted to feel at peace inside. To feel good about everyone and everything around her. Wow, I thought. She is only one person in the entire world who could give herself that..

May you find peace and gratitude in yours.


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