Friday, October 30, 2009

C O M M U N I T Y: If you have it, you have one!

C O M M U N I T Y: If you have it, you have one!

I continue to number my days with awe and inspiration by the relationships I've created and the bounding support I've received. This year has been especially hard for retailers and it has brought many of us to our knees in thanksgiving but also gifted us with the realization of our core values. And when you get to the end of it all, you will ask yourself, did it matter that I made a million dollars or did it mean more that I touched a million lives?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Workforce: That thing I came here to do and it’s my reason for Being. It is the one thing that I’d rather do than anything else in the world. I must do this for humanity. It lives beyond reasoning. It keeps me up at night. It fires up my soul to the point that I will burst if not expressed. It’s so big that I can’t wait to get a pen and paper and tell. You are the bigger reason for my Being. You are my Workforce.

“Let all who enter be healed.”

- Dianne Fresquez President/CEO

Friday, October 2, 2009

Practice Thanksgiving Now

Practice Thanksgiving Now

The practice of having gratitude now, in advance of receiving an object of desire, situation or condition that is wanted. I began placing a gratitude stone in my pocket every morning this week. You may remember this process made popular by the DVD, The Secret. As a form of prayer treatment, I touch this stone and remember to breathe in this special moment with thankfulness for all that I have, all that I am, and all that is destined to support me in my greatness. I claim my freedom and move forward with a fearless heart. And So It Is!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do at least 1 thing . . .

Do at least 1 thing . . . I recently committed to doing at least 1 nice thing for someone every day. I found that it's contagious and oftentimes I love this feeling space so much that I just want to do more. I also noticed that people treat me differently and I have become a magnet for kind returns. But the real payback is the realization that somehow I can't imagine living my life from any other perspective. I did something that mattered today, right now, and my life held meaning for someone or some great cause.
I hope this message touches you to do at least 1 kind thing today, and that you find your greater meaning too.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Letting go of anchors to the past

Yeah, that stack of filing has been over there for what feels like months (and it truly has been months!). It is still there and I look at it day after day.

Likewise, I stumble across a picture of an old friend, a letter from a past lover, or a gift that makes my heart twinge each time I look at it. These things fill my head and heartspace with old hurts and unfulfilled desires. And so it is with every blessing I make through the healing process of love and forgiveness, I remove old ties and empty my playing field for a new beginning. As for the filing? Like my willingness to let go of old wounds, it awaits the day when I finally say ENOUGH and I'm ready to make room for tomorrow.

"All of the great achievers of the past have been visionary figures; they were men and women who projected into the future. They thought of what could be, rather than what already was, and then they moved themselves into action, to bring these things into fruition."

Have you done your filing or cleaned out your closets lately?

Pot, dirt, water, love

An observance of my little ivy plant in the new South window. It yearns to be seen as I brush right by it day after day. It's only after it begins to look wilted that I have the thought to pay attention and actually water it!

As with my cat, Siam. He sits across the room with his tail neatly tucked around his front paws and looks at me as if he's waiting for me to do something. Is it just to be noticed? Or is it he just wants to be loved?

I challenge you to notice something small that may be crying out to get your attention today. It may be a child or it may simply be an old, abandoned car. Or maybe more. Your lover, wife or husband. Have you actually SEEN them today?

Pot, dirt, water, but most of all, LOVE.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am Knowing

Life looks so different today... My responses to people and situations are much more observant than reactive. Is this the light? Is this the new paradigm? I am learning that the energy I expel from moment to moment has an immediate and sometimes extreme affect on my outward experiences. I can't help but notice the direct results of my thinking as they come back so quickly in outer form. But the thought of immediate manifestation can also be intriguing; exciting me to make more of a conscious creation with my thoughts, feelings and physical responses and how I am continuously creating my life.

So I am observing the liquidness of this moment that seems to be pacifying me to not ‘do’ anything, but to simply be in agreement with a higher flow of energy that is always present. If I just stop and acknowledge my feelings, I get a sense of worthiness for my being here. I feel my God self commanding my breath and drinking in the energy. And it’s okay. It is then that I realize that I have been holding my breath and I realize that I have been afraid to be here now. With every breath, my balance and power returns to me and I remember that I am God/Spirit operating in this physical space and I have a Divine right to be here.

Now I am suddenly seeing things that have always been there. But this time my eyes see the beauty and the gift of each intentional gift/memory that was placed there most often without thought. It is in this moment of pure breath that I feel gratitude and I am knowing that I am truly blessed with the gift of life.

My cat, Siam, leisurely and so elegantly strolls by my computer monitor pausing momentarily to stretch in a yoga pose for my eyes to see. It is with these new eyes that I see and appreciate life and the beauty of an instant. When I allow the light to permeate my being, I am opening to receive the gift of many precious moments. Thank you, God! More please.

Thank you for the reminder that the only life essential is to hold dear my relationship with self and others. You are precious and I cherish my relationship with you! You relentlessly keep me going when I forget to bless myself.

Dianne Fresquez, President/CEO
For Heaven's Sake - New Age, Inc.
2008 Minority Enterprise Development Retailer of the Year